Watershipdown.org is no longer online

Yes, if you've come to this page either from a search, or from a link looking for a website on Watership Down, then I am afraid to say it is no longer online. The purpose of this page though is to provide a bit of an explanation, rather than leaving everyone pondering over things. The original site at watershipdown.org was produced by Edamoth some 7 or so years ago now back in 1999. This is the same Edamoth well known for his administration of the Watership Down Discussion Group on Yahoo now. At the time it was one of the biggest and most popular sources of all information upon the famous book by Richard Adams.

Sadly due to a combination of problems, some with hosting and some with just general real life pressures, the site dropped offline sometime around 2001. Originally the domain was still renewed up to 2004, with the intention of being put back online as soon as the time was available. Alas, this never happened though, and at the start of 2004 the domain slipped in to being openly available once more.

Which is where I come in, me being Entei-rah. Basically given that a good number of the Watership sites on the internet haven't been updated in a long time and thus still link to this site, I did not want to risk either allowing the domain to fall into the hands of domain collectors who would use it to make profit (as has happened with other famous Watership names I wont mention), or worse to risk falling into the hands of adult sites. With the amount of search engines and links still pointing here, such a result would be horribly detrimental to the image of the Watership Community as a whole.

So what *is* going to happen with this address? Well nothing much (indeed it's taken me 2 years of a blank domain to finally get just this simple announcement page up). To my mind this is and always will be the address for Edamoth's famous site, and if he ever reads this and wants to put his site back online some day he's more than welcome to email me too, and I'll gladly do so. In the meantime I thought it prudent to put at least an explanation of why the site is no longer here, as well as provide a few links which may be handy:-


- Explanation by Edamoth on the Yahoo Group, August 2002
- Cached Version of Original Website, courtesy of Archive.org



~ Entei-rah, March 2006 - 2008